Blossom Valley Labrador Retrievers
About My Puppies
4.          PRICES

Puppies are born in my Dog House, which is a pool house converted into a 10x12 whelping room.  It has a heater and air conditioner for environmental control during any weather conditions.  It has an extra large doggy door for momma to go outside where the Dog House is surrounding on three sides by pavers and Retriever brand kennel panels with a 5-foot perimeter around the Dog House.  When puppies get to the age where they are walking around, they eventually start following momma outside through the doggy door.  They are free to be inside with their whelping box and blankets and pee pads or outside in the Dog House yard.

I believe in keeping the dewclaws because videos I have viewed show that dogs use them for getting out of ice laden lakes and for agility balance.  

Because Parvo is often rampant in Southern California, I give a NeoPar vaccination against Parvo at 4 weeks of age.  At 6 and 9 weeks, I give a Nobivac 1-DAPVV vaccination against distemper, adenovirus, parvo, hepatitus and influenza.  I also give two treatments of pyrantel pamoate at 6 and 8 weeks, and I give Toltrazuril for coccidia at 7 and 9 weeks.  
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I require any potential puppy buyers to complete an application and return to me before they are allowed to visit.  I place all puppies in loving pet homes where they will not be used for "backyard breeding" (pups get Limited AKC Registration).  I generally do not sell puppies for showing.  The new owner has one week to take the puppy for an examination with their vet to determine that their puppy is healthy.  I it has a minor health problem, I will reimburse the treatment and visit, unless the problem arose due to the care of the puppy by the new owner.  For example, puppies are not fully innoculated until they get their 4 month vaccination, so taking the puppy outside ANYWHERE exposes the puppy to Parvo virus that is often deposited on the sidewalks and yards of other people. So don't walk your puppy anywhere except your backyard.  
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If a genetic disease arises that is not caused by environmental conditions at the new owner's property during the first year, I will either provide a refund for return of the puppy or half the purchase price if the new owner keeps the dog.  If a licensed, practicing veterinarian certifies that a genetc problem exists, I will take the puppy back if:  (i) the puppy has never been bred; (ii) a licensed practicing veterinarian certifies that a serious genetic defect exists that requires medical treatment (plus DNA test if available); and (iii) I get a copy of the tests and analyses to verify the conclusion with my veterinarian.  In that case, I will take back the puppy and refund:  (i) the purchase price, assuming the puppy is in other ways in good health; or (ii) the purchase price, less any medical expenses for other problems that the puppy may have developed while in the care of the new owner, which was not caused by the defect.  If the new owner would rather keep the pup with the defect, I will contribute up to one-half of the purchase price for medical treatment for the defect, directly to the service provider, if a licensed and certified facility.  

I am always willing to take the puppy back at any age, but after the initial return period for health/genetic defects, I only refund $200 of the purchase price as an incentive to not take the dog to rescue or a shelter in violation of my contract. If the new owner discovers that they do not have the time, talent, or temperament to own a Labrador Retriever. I will keep it and try to find it a new loving home. If a puppy buyer ever puts a dog of mine in a shelter, I will take legal action to enforce the liquidated damages clause in my contract.
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4.          PRICES
My pups are all sold under a written signed contract requiring sterilization after one year of age and before 18 months.  Registration with AKC is "Limited."  I charge $2,000 to $3,500 depending on color and sex.  

Your payment includes the following:
-- AKC Registration Certificate in the new owners' names with "limited" registration, meaning that no pups produced by a dog with Limited Registration can be registered with the AKC. In this way, we try to prevent uncontrolled breeding of dogs by people who do not adhere to appropriate breeding practices. 
-- A 15-digit microchip.
-- AKC Reunite registration of microchip for life in the new owners' names and address.  
-- Three vaccinations at 4, 6 and 9 weeks, using NeoPar and Nobivac's Canine 1-DAPPv.
-- Two deworming treatments, using pyrantel pamoate at 6 and 8 weeks.  
-- Two coccidiocide treatments, using Toltrazuril, at 7 and 9 weeks.

NOTE:  For all you litigious types, I reserve the right to change these terms at any time, without notice, prior to execution of a binding contract for sale of a particular puppy with an identified buyer.  The terms of our executed contract will contain the specific terms of a particular sale.
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All rights reserved.  Copyright 2002-2022 by Annette Gilliam
Updated 3/26/2022
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